Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Shout to the Lord....

On American Idol? I'm staying at my brothers house right now because I've got class down here tomorrow. As the show is closing Ryan Seacrest mentions that the remaining contestants are going to close out with the song "Shout to the Lord". I"m thinking "Shout to the Lord from Hillsongs? Like Darlene Zsetch? (or whatever her last name is...) Sure enough it's Hillsongs's starts off as. "My Shepherd My Savior" instead of "My Jesus My Savior".

I was surprised that they were doing the song in the first place even though they chose to make a little lyrical editing. Interesting to see a worship song appear in the midst of prime time tv mania.


Fogey said...

Funny. Dress it down enough, and you can pretty much make any popular gospel song nowadays about whatever gods, buddy christ, or boyfriend you want.

"Shout to the Lord"? Seacrest can keep it. Just leave "Amazing Grace" alone. (John Newton was the Paula Abdul of his day)

Greg said...

Okay, found the video on youtube...I found it rather disturbing. It's just weird.

Joel & Brittany Thomas said...

Weird wild stuff, huh?