Wednesday, March 29, 2006


So there I am at work on Friday pushing carts and the like. I'm standing outside the main entrance and I hear this car start sounds like the tranmission is stuck as the engine is probably about the 'redline'. I look to my left about fifty yards away and see the car back out of it's spot. It seesaws back and forth for a bit and then stops (with the engine still revving) facing myself and another customer who are watching this unfold. Then the car decides to keep coming at hops the curb, goes over a small tree and is cruising at 15-20 mph. At this point the customer and I decide to run-yes run. I go inside and tell my manager that a car has just come up over the sidewalk and crashed. Fortunately in the aftermath no one was hurt. Two trees were run over, one handicapped pole was hit, one cart and light pole destroyed. Apparently an older gentlemen got the brake and gas pedals mixed up and then got confused and scared. How he missed the corner of the deli or anything else is a miracle. If he hadn't hit the pole sodas and plants (outside the main entrance) would have been everywhere. I was pretty floored for the rest of the afternoon as my adrenaline levels were boosted a bit. Never a dull moment at good ole' Freddy's.

1 comment:

Allen said...

Well chosen pic. Indeed.